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The Urban Digitainability Lab (UDL) combines digitalisation and sustainability in urban areas in order to ensure sustainable local services of general interest. To this end, the TUM Think Tank is creating an interdisciplinary space for experimentation and collaboration in which scientists and practitioners from politics, business and civil society can develop solutions for sustainable digital urban development. The UDL aims to strengthen the transformation capacity of municipal administrations through innovative networking, training and transfer formats.

We are currently looking for one student assistant for each of the following four areas of responsibility:

Find detailed role descriptions and further information on the application process (in German) through the button below.

Job Offers

Apply by July 8th, preferably via email at, and join the vibrant TUM Think Tank community. We look forward to meeting you!

For any questions, please contact Felix Beer, Project Coordinator of the Urban Digitainability Lab, at

This project at the TUM Think Tank is supported by Stiftung Mercator under their "Digitalisierte Gesellschaft" section.

The Urban Digitainability Lab aims to integrate digitalization and sustainability in urban spaces in order to shape sustainable urban services of general interest. It addresses the challenge that, despite the existing calls for such integration, a common understanding and effective concepts for combining sustainability and digitalization only exist in rudimentary form. The project plans to address this shortcoming by creating a community of practice, training opportunities and a catalog of criteria for measuring success. In addition, the exchange between science and practice is to be strengthened in order to develop innovative and sustainable solutions in the areas of "mobility", "housing" and "health".

We are excited to be building the team and are looking for three positions.

Find the role descriptions and more information on the application process (in German) through the button below.

Job Offers

Apply by April 2 and become part of the vibrant TUM Think Tank community. We are looking forward to meeting you!

The Stiftung Mercator supports this project at the TUM Think Tank in their section „Digitalisierte Gesellschaft“ for the duration of  three years.

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