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The innovative use of data promises many benefits for research, business and society. In 2021, the German federal government adopted its data strategy aiming for the greater and more responsible use of data. The related plans for a data institute will help to better exploit the economic and social potential of data, while also keeping an eye on the challenges and negative sides.

This leads to many questions about the release of data, the required infrastructure, and privacy concerns. What can the realization of these plans look like? Are there best-practice examples we can follow? What challenges do we face in implementing these strategies, and What added value do we see for science and society in increasing data sharing and use?

We want to discuss these and more questions with our guests from academia and politics: Amélie Heldt (Digital Policy Officer at the Federal Chancellery), Benjamin Adjei (Member of the Bavarian State Parliament and Digital Policy Spokesperson for Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen), and Andreas Peichl (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Ifo Institute & Member of the Founding Commission of the Data Institute). Moritz Hennemann (University of Passau) will kick-off the event by contextualizing the discussion in current debates on the national and European level.

The panel discussion will be moderated by Noha Lea Halim (TU Munich).


A conversation with guests from politics and academia about the future use of data to ensure its added economic and societal benefits, while also addressing its related challenges.

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