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COVID-19, home office, Deutschlandtakt and Deutschlandticket: A lot has changed in public transport in recent months and years. At this event, speakers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Deutsche Bahn, MOIA, fairtiq, Wiener Linien and Agora Verkehrswende will take a look at the future of public transport.

  • How can the potential of the Deutschlandticket be exploited, for example by further developing the service, integrating new forms of mobility and digitizing ticketing?
  • What mobility guarantees are necessary for a successful transportation turnaround?
  • What can we learn from the often cited 365-euro ticket in Vienna?
  • How will changes in public transport affect different population groups (positively and negatively)?

Scientists from the Technical University of Munich will report on the role of research in the monitoring and evaluation of these changes and the challenges they pose. Other experts will present and discuss their ideas for the future of public transport. Our guests include:

  • Lennart Adenaw, Fabienne Cantner, Allister Loder (TU München)
  • Mario Theis (DB Regio)
  • Paula Ruoff (fairtiq)
  • Philipp Kosok (Agora Verkehrswende)
  • Nikolas Feichtinger (Wiener Linien)
  • Felix Zwick (MOIA)

After the event, on-site participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the new approaches in mobility research in an exchange with experts from science and practice and to discuss the role of research.

The event is organized by Agora Verkehrswende and the TUM Think Tank in close cooperation with MCube, the Munich Cluster for the Future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions.


For participation in presence on site in Munich please register here:
On Site

Click here to register to participate online in the livestream:

Participants on-site and online can contribute with questions during the event via Slido.

Recording & Presentation
We will record the event and publish the recording as well as the presentations afterwards on this page.


COVID-19, home office, Deutschlandtakt and Deutschlandticket: A lot has changed in public transport in recent months and years. At this event, speakers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Deutsche Bahn, MOIA, fairtiq, Wiener Linien and Agora Verkehrswende will take a look at the future of public transport.

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