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Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is making its way into all areas. It has become one of the driving forces behind innovation in business, science, administration, and society. Everywhere, efforts are being made to put this technology to profitable use.


"Hardly anyone disputes the potential of Generative AI for public administration. What matters now is focusing on real use cases and their concrete impacts. It is crucial that we use the insights from these cases as a starting point for a debate on the scalability of this technology in public administration, in order to initiate a comprehensive transformation."

Corinna Krezer - Head of Health & Public Service Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and Europe, Accenture


Our observations show that the public sector, like the private sector, is beginning to utilize the technology at the same pace. This development could signify a profound transformation. There are enormous potentials for development both in interactions with citizens and in internal administrative processes: efficiency gains through the optimization of workflows, thus freeing up working time and achieving cost savings are exemplary here. These and many other potentials need to be recognized and addressed.

To understand how GenAI can be used in public administration, it is worth looking at those countries that are pioneering the application of GenAI. The TUM Think Tank and Accenture are combining their scientific expertise and experience in digitalization of public administration with the aim of gaining key insights from the world's first public sector GenAI applications.


„The transformative power of GenAI, as represented by innovations like ChatGPT, inspires globally and demonstrates the immense potential of this technology. Our study highlights the pioneering work of public sector institutions from several countries and their initial experiences with GenAI. These insights provide valuable impetus and guidance for the German administration."

Urs Gasser – Professor of Public Policy, Governance and Innovative Technology, TU Munich


The publication goes beyond merely considering theoretical application possibilities and sheds light on already implemented use cases and initial prototypes, focusing on the following aspects:

  • What are the challenges and success factors in adopting and using GenAI applications?
  • What changes are already emerging and will continue to emerge in public administration as a result of GenAI?
  • What can the German public sector learn from these use cases?

The publication provides an impetus for the current debate on the use of GenAI in public administration. In particular, it serves as a starting point for the question of how this technology can be scaled so that the German public administration can fully realize its potential.

The forthcoming publication examines existing international use cases of GenAI in public administrations.



In a new joint study, the TUM Think Tank and Accenture explore the potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) for administration and the public sector. Based on international initial use cases from various countries around the world, we aim to provide impetus and food for thought for the debate on the use of GenAI in Germany.

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