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Beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries, we seek fellows from diverse backgrounds who are dedicated to address societal challenges by developing approaches to advance the  public good. Together with our fellows, we want to explore how we can employ emerging technologies for the benefit of society, and ensure that emerging technologies are developed responsibly, human-centered, and democratically.

With their translational research at the intersection of technology and society, accepted fellows will be agents of interdisciplinary collaboration, building new and bolstering existing bridges between social sciences and natural sciences, engineering, life sciences, economics, health sciences, and medicine at TUM.

Core Objectives of the Fellowship Program

  • Empowering Innovators: Join a cohort of forward-thinkers, action-oriented researchers and trailblazers. Our fellowship program is designed to provide you with resources and a community needed to turn your groundbreaking ideas into reality.
  • Harvesting Collaboration: Collaboration is key to solving today’s complex societal challenges. Our fellowship program provides a collaborative environment, connecting you with mission-oriented individuals who share your passion and drive to make a difference.
  • Creating Public Interest Technology: Fellows become catalysts for positive change, contributing to a community that shares a common goal of creating technologies that enhance the well-being of society. Our fellowship program is not just about individual growth; it's about collective impact.


Designed to echo Friedrich Schiedel's commitment as a visionary entrepreneur who left an indelible mark on corporate social responsibility, the Friedrich Schiedel Fellowship for Technology in Society aims to fortify translational and actionable research in the ethical, social, political, economic, and legal realms of science and technology.

Why Apply for the Fellowship Program

  • Funding: Turn your vision into reality with access to project funding and resources to support your initiatives.
  • Community: Become part of a community of fellows from across TUM, creating opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration and learning.
  • Global Network: Benefit from our network of partners in Bavaria, Germany and from around the world, including the Global Network of Centers.

Hosted by TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology and the TUM Think Tank

Friedrich Schiedel Fellows for Technology in Society are integral members of the TUM Think Tank community. We expect fellows to actively engage in their projects at TUM and its respective schools and to become vibrant contributors to our fellowship community.

Aiming to build bridges between the various TUM Schools, potential fellows need two professors (one from the TUM SOT and one from a different TUM School) who support the application and will work with the fellow on the proposed interdisciplinary project.

FAQ Fellowship

The Friedrich Schiedel Foundation is a recognised charitable foundation with legal capacity under civil law. The purpose of the foundation is, among other things, to promote science and research, particularly at the Technical University of Munich. For decades, the founder has supported projects at the Technical University with considerable sums of money. The Friedrich Schiedel Foundation is supporting the implementation of the Friedrich Schiedel Fellowships for Technology in Society project with funding totalling € 625,000 over five years in order to help develop sustainable bridges between social, technical and societal disciplines. The promotion of the Friedrich Schiedel Fellowships is a particular concern of hers.


The Friedrich Schiedel Fellowship for Technology in Society invites diverse fellows to collaborate on human-centered innovation, bridging social sciences and technology for societal benefit. Empowering innovators, fostering collaboration, and creating public interest technology are core objectives, supported by funding, a vibrant community, and a global network.

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